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“Like a friend can be checked on, a gun can be checked in”



What is Project Safeguard?

Graphic with a warning symbol and text that says," Project Safeguard: Live Today – Put it Away."



The local Project Safegaurd is teaming up with The Captain John D. Mason Veteran Peer Outreach Program (part of the Medical College of Wisconsin), Community for Hope and the N.E.W. Mental Health Connection’s adult suicide prevention initiative to promote engagement in Wisconsin’s Gun Shop Project and Safe Storage Program, called Live Today – Put it Away.

“An adult suicide prevention initiative to promote engagement in Wisconsin’s Gun Shop Project and Safe Storage Program”

The Gun Shop Project and Safe Storage Program were adopted in Wisconsin thanks to Chuck Lovelace, lead gunsmith, and owner of Essential Shooting Supplies, LLC, along with Safe Communities Madison-Dane County, and is comprised of two parts:

Find your local participating Gun Shop Here

Image with map and text that says, "Find a Shop that offers temporary and voluntary firearm storage"



Why Project Safeguard?

Benefits of joining the program include, but are not limited to:




Join us Today

To join others across the state on the Safe Storage interactive map and/or participate in the Project Safeguard Gun Shop suicide prevention training, all we need from you is:



Other Resources






Sarah Danahy

Executive Director

Community for Hope

Oshkosh, WI 54901


Marissa Mielke

Suicide Prevention Team

John H. Bradley VA CBOC

Appleton, WI 54911

(920) 809-4125


Chuck Lovelace

Owner, Lead Gunsmith / Firearms Instructor

Essential Shooting Supplies, LLC

311 Saunders Avenue

Park Falls, WI 54552

Office: (715) 518-9266


Sarah Bassing-Sutton

Project Zero: Every 1 Matters

N.E.W. Mental Health Connection

Appleton, WI
